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[FT] Numerous: Vanilla FTII, Anime' ships, Eroding Stealth/Aero, Photos, People Photos

From: devans@u...
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 09:47:44 -0500
Subject: [FT] Numerous: Vanilla FTII, Anime' ships, Eroding Stealth/Aero, Photos, People Photos

It`s just as a system evolves, it needs rewriting/modifing to take into
accout the evolutions that have come allong since it first started
FT, and after the FB`s, how relevant is the original FT book?).

Crossed my mind, also. Oh, there are still bits and pieces to look at,
my question ends up, does anybody ever use the FTII rules, arcs, and
designs anymore? I think I asked this last year, and found one or two.

I'm pretty certain that the next time I introduce a non-gamer to ship
combat, I'll probably do the vanilla FTII, I keep wanting to say
system. Simplistic, it's also simple and fun, and you learn early to
the back door closed.

Well, anime ships have a fair range of styles - technoform box, 'ninja
rocketship' and various assorted strange organic shapes - and then they
get very weird - so thats at least 4 different fleets :-)

We've already known that the Phalons were based on The Outlanders(Did I
finally get it right THIS time?).

I agree, and a similar methodology could be applied to aerodynamic
Hmm..  what about combined Stealth/Aerodynamics?

Not certain how much beyond the damage structure is common to both, but
reduction/loss is appropriate to damage, though I'd think both would go
down faster than second threshold. However, your PSB, your call. ;->=

> Er.  Sorry.

You don't *sound* very sorry.

*shakes head* STILL cracks me up. I plead insanity. Thanks for both the
joke and the piccie space, Andy.

Always interested, especially given the chance to put faces to the names


Truly said, Derek! I must thank you for getting your own face up at your
site for The Battle for Launceston. I'm with most the fellows who'd like
peek at your wife who has amazed and entertained us for so long, but
more the rest of the Fulton clan, especially that budding Alexander of
yours, Lachy. With troops arrayed, of course.

I have no pictures on the web, though I currently have NO web site, so
bit of laziness explains much. I'll see if I can find the pic of me as a
corpse at one of the L5R Hida Kisada wakes at a GenCon. Don't play, but
invited to the party after the LARP, and decided to be a 'guest of
for a bit.


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