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Photos (was:Re: New IF ships)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 21:32:19 +0100
Subject: Photos (was:Re: New IF ships)

Further to last mail, Andy Cowell was first to kindly volunteer, and
just had the camera out and snapped the ships, so I've just sent him the
pix. Hopefully we'll get a URL posted as soon as he's had the chance to
it..... over to you Andy!

Jon (GZG)
>I'll try to get some photos of them taken this weekend, and put up
>somewhere ASAP.

On this subject, I'll send the photos off to Paul Owen as soon as
done so that he can put them on the catalogue site - but as he probably
won't be able to get this done till Monday at the earliest, would anyone
else like to post them earlier so that everyone can see them over the
weekend? Replies OFF-LIST please if you have a suitable site and would
prepared to do this for the rest of the list - just in case I get
with offers, if you don't get a reply then it probably means I've
found someone!

Jon (GZG)

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