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Re: [SG] Crew Served Weapons???

From: adrian.johnson@s...
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:55:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG] Crew Served Weapons???

>Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:41:49 -0400
>From: Ryan Gill <>
>Subject: [SG] Crew Served Weapons???


>Does this fit into the range of a crew served RFAC? it is 20mm, so 
>that seems to fit. The firepower and point and area fire affects 
>would be covered right?

I'd think so.  Seems to me that's equiv to a RFAC/1 in SG terms.

>That said, what to do about a model? I'm perhaps going to try to make 
>one up. I'll have to see what my bits box allows. The first thought 
>is to use the RFAC/1 from the GZG line of resin vehicles, but that 
>weapon is much too long/large to be broken down to man portable 
>sizes. Removing the barrel would seem an unneeded complication.

There are two crew-served weapons like this from the ESU figure line. 
is an automatic grenade launcher, and the other is a multi-barrel
autocannon.  Good figs - I have a "battery" of three (mixed types) for

I'm sure you could find suitable "crew" figures from other lines if you
want to use them with non-ESU forces.


Adrian Johnson

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