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RE: Questions re Fighters

From: "Brian Bell" <bbell1@i...>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:22:41 -0400
Subject: RE: Questions re Fighters

Hash: SHA1

My comments below marked by [Bri]

- ---
Brian Bell
ICQ: 12848051
AIM: Rlyehable
YIM: Rlyehable
The Full Thrust Ship Registry:
- ---

- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
[mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU]On Behalf Of Flynn
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 17:38
To: GZG list
Subject: Questions re Fighters

Hi People,

a few questions came up in our last game where both sides deployed

1) Do fighters get re-rolls? vrs fighters? vrs ships? ( We could find
reference to SM and that was it) 
[Bri] Yes they get rerolls on a natural 6 in both cases.

2) In a multi fighter furball the side with initiative goes first and
either target  1 or more groups with the damage shared amongst
them... Do
the damaged fighters have to take a morale check before they can fire
[Bri] They either target 1 group or spread the damage among all
groups (can't pick 2 out of 3). But if it is still a 1 on 1 dogfight,
damage is simultaneous. My reading of it is that the fighter morale
rules, as written, do not apply to dogfights. It would make sense
(and a good house rule) that before a fighter group can initiate a
dogfight that it should have to make a morale check. If it fails move
it back 1mu from the other fighter group as it failed to engage and
may not attack this turn (similar to a close assault reaction test in
DS2 or SG2).

3) A multi fighter dogfight occurs and lasts throughout the turn,
turn some fighters want to leave... What are the penalties... and how
they leave i.e. in the fighter movement section? 
[Bri] Yes. And the opponents get a free shot at them. 

4) The same type of situation as 3) but after the initial movement
fighters want to use their secondary movement what happens? i.e. can
other side get a free attack? 
[Bri] Yes. A dogfight is declared when the fighters are brought into
base to base contact. From that point, if one side leaves (normal or
secondary movement), the other side gets a free shot. As a house
rule, I do not allow the free shot AND movement to bring them back
into a dogfight; I allow one or the other.

Flynn Richardson
Special Projects Manager
Unilever Australasia

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