Re: [FT]Star Trek rules - BIG thanks
From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 13:22:10 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT]Star Trek rules - BIG thanks
> Well it's a funny thing but the word Frigate has
> meant different things thoughout history. FASA
> uses it in it's ship of the line meaning to mean
> a bigger than cruiser sized ship designed for battle
> (actually a medium sized sailing war vessel) rather
> than a 5000-7000 ton vessel between a destroyer
> and a cruiser. So, that part doesn't bother me.
> Yea my Star Fleet Battles past is showing!
> I've got a few falcons, they're cute as buttons.
> I'd buy a pile of defiants if they were available.
> I'm not sure exactly how big it SHOULD be, but
> I'm guessing an inch to an inch & a half long?
> Actually, if we go by that scene in First Contact
> even 1 inch would be kind of big, but I wouldn't
> make it much smaller.
>1 inch is about right I'd say, I see them as a cross
> between a Heavy Frigate and Lt Destroyer with
> issues! It would be the perfect picket and scout ship
> for the fleet, and with it's cloak great for commerce
> raiding. This is in keeping with the Fed policy of over
> tasking it's ships. Now all that is needed is a Cpt
> with an overly developed sense of the dramatic and
> your good to go............. :-)