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[SG] Crew Served Weapons???

From: Ryan Gill <ryan.gill@t...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:41:49 -0400
Subject: [SG] Crew Served Weapons???

I've been pondering this a bit before and what with the talk of the 
L7A3 minus the GL kit, I got to wondering about the crew served 
weapons concept again.

Where does such a weapon like the Mk-19, M2 HB and other heavy crew 
served weapons fit in the Stargrunt gaming 'verse? The future 
development is the OCSW that is the heavy weapons counter part to the 
OICW (effectively the L7A3 in primitive form)

Its significantly more than a SAW in that it has some anti-light 
armour utility that a SAW wouldn't have.

Does this fit into the range of a crew served RFAC? it is 20mm, so 
that seems to fit. The firepower and point and area fire affects 
would be covered right?

That said, what to do about a model? I'm perhaps going to try to make 
one up. I'll have to see what my bits box allows. The first thought 
is to use the RFAC/1 from the GZG line of resin vehicles, but that 
weapon is much too long/large to be broken down to man portable 
sizes. Removing the barrel would seem an unneeded complication.

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