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Re: [CON] Dragonflight 2001 Aug 24-26

From: Kevin Walker <sage@b...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 07:35:51 -0500
Subject: Re: [CON] Dragonflight 2001 Aug 24-26

on 6/25/01 1:45, Jaime Tiampo at wrote:

> Ok, it's 2 months ahead of date. Dragonflight takes place in Seattle
> Is there anyone interested in playing some GZG at the convention. If
> can get enough responce we can put together some tournements.

I should be in attendance thanks to my wife's encouragement.  We're due
be visiting my family during the last half of August (I'm in the Midwest
currently) and she's encouraging me to stay over an extra four or five
to say hi to old friends and since there are a number of them that help
Dragonflight it's likely I'll be there most of the weekend.  As I'll be
flying I doubt I can bring more than a small selection of miniatures but
I'll be interested in joining in on some GZG games around some of the
games I'm sure I'll get dragged into.  ;-)  Now...if only I could figure
how to participate in the auction on Sunday, getting all the purchases
would be difficult to say the least.

Kevin Walker

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