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Re: Small Ships--Why?

From: "Peter C" <petrov_101@h...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 16:38:46 -0000
Subject: Re: Small Ships--Why?

>From: "Galen Thies" <>
>To the Wise and Venerable list,
>My group has been having discussions as of late regarding the
usefulness of
>smaller vessels (10 to 50 mass)


>They seem to get smoked well before any beam weapons they are armed
>fire.	Their increased manuverability seems to have little impact on
>increasing their survivability.  It may simply be a function of my play
>group's lack of experience but larger ships seem to be the way to go.
In a
>design-your-own environment or in the Fleet Book fleets, would small
>have a role in your fleet in one-off games?

I added a house rule that extends the lifespan of "high-thrust" ships.

  Thrust 6-7 ships are more difficult to hit.
  Attacker receives a -1 penalty to die roll.

  Thrust 8 ships are really difficult to hit.
  Attacker receives a -2 penalty to die roll.

  Note: A roll of a 6 ALWAYS hits.

I've been playing with this house rule for years and it seems to do the 



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