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Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 09:54:03 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

G'day guys,

Haven't worked much with neural nets as yet, but the one thing we have 
found as they won't make leaps that humans will. I'm stressed I've got
get this pattern working by tomorrow and I play a hunch, so far AIs
play hunches. They also don't get pissed off, or adrenaline boosted (at 
least not the "pure logic" AIs that sci-fi seems to concentrate on).
"fight or flight" wiring has done a lot for animals over the last 3
years, its done a lot for man over the last million years. Sometimes it 
takes that "$&%##@ I just gotta do this" to turn the tide. Without the 
"flight or fight" there wouldn't be a list of Victoria Cross or 
Congressional Medal of Honour winners.

Also wouldn't there be some cultures (maybe the IF) which find AIs to be

"evil" or "against the will of XXXX" (fill in deity if choice)? Whether
fly the NAC fighters or not I don't think all fighters in the GZGverse
AI driven. Does that mean we have to play with the "survivability" of
vs human fighters, probably not as there's pros and cons on all sides
an FT turn is 15 minutes or so, the microsecond thing has probably been 
lost in the larger scheme of things at that scale.



Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053

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