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Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 13:06:36 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Unpredictable AI

At 7:14 AM -0700 6/21/01, David Griffin wrote:
>Well, remember a cruise missile is a replacement
>for a Bomber. In the past, with a man in the loop,
>the bomber could be recalled or decide the orders

Nope. A cruise missile is a means for a manned bomber to hit a target 
from an extreme stand off range. This capability has been extended to 
surface and subsurface launch platforms. It is a stand off weapon for 
a point or area target already chosen. The Cruise missile isn't 
launched in hopes of hitting some target of opportunity.

The only weapon that works this way is Alarm. That has a loiter mode 
where it will climb to altitude and then pop a parachute. Then it 
floats down and looks and waits for a target matching the criteria 
already determined. Once an emitter broadcasts a signal matching the 
missile's database it will drop from the chute and hit the required 

>had been in error (wow, maybe we shouldn't bomb
>that big white building with the red cross). Now
>with a cruise missile that decision is gone. So
>you're right technically, but in a real sense, the
>cruise missile IS an example of the man cut out of
>the loop (or at least moved back in the loop).

The period between launch and land is just extended. It is still in 
the exact same place.

Cruise Missile Mission	Iron Bomb Mission
plan mission		plan mission
prep aircraft/crew	prep aircraft/crew
Launch Package		Launch Package
Reach Launch point	Reach Drop point
Launch Weapon		Drop Weapon
Weapon flies		weapon falls

>You could say the same thing about launching a
>AI drone. Ok drone, you say, go to these coordinates
>and shoot down any enemy planes. You made the
>decision, but now you're out of the loop. The drone
>will be making the decisions from then on.

But the difference is that the drone is choosing the targets. Not the

- Ryan Montieth Gill		 ----------	      SW1025 H -
-   Internet Technologies  --  Data Center Manager (3N &10S)   -
- -
-		       -
-	      I speak not for CNN, nor they for me	       -
- C&R-FFL -	  The gunshow loophole isn't		 - NRA -
-	     keep federal laws out of private lives	       -	 

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