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RE: [FT] Unpredictable AI

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:25:31 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: RE: [FT] Unpredictable AI

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Bell, Brian K (Contractor) wrote:

> Cruise Missile Decisions:
>  - Am I at target (GPS)?
>   - No. Flight logic to get there
>   - Yes. Explode.
> or
>  - Am I in suspected target area?
>   - No. Use flight logic to ge there.
>   - Yes. Is target present (Image Guidance)?
>     - Yes. Terminal Guideance and explode.
>     - No. Continue Searching or Select secondary target:
>	- Continue. Short delay and repeat
>	- Secondary. Is seconday present?
>	  - Yes. Terminal Guidance and explode.
>	  - No. Short Delay and repeat.
> To start with lets look at standard FT situations:
> Assumptions: 
>  - You are at war, so there is no doubt if it should fire on an
> enemy

This is the case in 'hey, let's have a game. Let's toss <x> points on
table and have a fight'. Refereed scenarios with limited war / high
tension scenarios make for very interesting scenarios, and face it,
limited war seems much more likely than all out, between the human
Anyway, you've listed those below.

>  - You know that there are hostiles in the area and they are closing
on you
> or you are closing on them.

- - There is also civilian/neutral shipping which has to be
from positive hostile and positive friendly.
> Decisions:
>  - Screen a friendly ship or attack
>   - If screen, which ship
>     - Screen from fighter, missile, or plasma
>	- Which of that type (full group, partial group, size of plasma)
>   - If attack, what type of target fighter, missile, plasma, ship
>     - Is potential target friend, foe, or neutral
>     - If Fighter, Which fighter group? Close fighter, far fighter,
> attacking ship, fighter attacking fighter, fighter attacking missile,
> fighter attacking plasma, full group, partial group, type of fighter
>     - If Missile, which missile set? Close missile, far missile, full
> partial group?
>     - If Ship, which ship? Near, far, large, small, attacking,
> retreating, ADFC carring, etc.
>  - Has another fighter group selected the same target?
>     - If yes, attack same target?
>     - If no, select secondary target

Maybe it's me, but the above already strikes me as rather complex,
we add in the following:

> Now add in to the mix:
>  - Diplomatic situations
>  - Cold War Setting
>  - Peacekeeping Missions (enemy uncertain)
>  - Peacetime Patrols
>  - Commerce/Convoy protection
>  - Interdiction Duty
>  - Border Patrol Duty

And now try and write this out as decisions? Ugh. Rather you than me.
Also, think of what a single glitch might result in. I'm not sure
you're trying to make a case for or against AI fighters, here.



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