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Re: Sa'Vasku

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:14:50 +1000
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku

G'day guys,

 >>Personally, I would also limit the amount of power
 >> generated. Maybe based on size of ship.  Something
 >> like, no more then 20% of total ship mass can be spent
 >> on power generators.
 >Well, I'd say raise that to at least 25% -
 >otherwise it invalidates some
 >of the FB2 designs.

Personally I reckon this restriction will introduce a flaw rather than a

solution. If you limit the power generators to even 30% and your
still wants to build a 3000 (or whatever) point monster then they'll end
having HEAPS more biomass to soak up damage with. The best way to
an SV is make them lose biomass (especially if they do it by over
in the drone or pod production area). Wounded SV slump fast. Thinking
to the numbers I ran in May this restriction did make their cost for
about the same as humans but knocked their damage soak ability up so
an equivalent human ship could only take about 70% in comparison.

Once you incorporate the suggested changes (9" range bands etc) the SV 
(even the monster ships) are no more scary than home built human ships.
2000 point human ship can match range and hitting power of an equivalent

NPV SV ship. They can't match the speed obviously, but when they have 
exactly the same range why bother, just sit and wait for him to come in.
you don't wish to go that path then there are a heap of other options
of small ships instead). OK this isn't what some of you are comfortable 
with, unfortunately combatting aliens is gonna take us places we're 
unfamiliar or uncomfortable with ;)

I think the larger problem is "standard" safe anti-human tactics don't
(much) against the SV (whereas you can get away with them vs KV or PH),
then you can't play the SV like humans and pull it off often either.

Just my 2 razoos worth of rant ;)



Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053

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