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RE: [sg] Bagpipers, NAC

From: "Chris Downes-Ward" <cdownes-ward@9...>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 10:11:56 +0100
Subject: RE: [sg] Bagpipers, NAC

> > > In fact, there's a long history of fraternization between Ghurka's
> > > Highlander regiments. However, I've not come across
> references to Ghurka
> > > pipers, but given a few hundred years, who knows ;)
> >
> > You don't have to wait, they already exist.
> But.. But.. It's not in my "The Gurkhas" book by Byron Farwell, so how
> this be? ;) Well, okay, it's not on page 1-247. It may be further

I have some pics somewhere - but you'll have to wait until I get home
for me to check the sources.
> A very interesting read, by the way; I heartily recommend it to anyone
> interested in the Goorkas. MAybe other folks have some other
> recommendations on the matter?
I enjoyed
'JAI SIXTH!' 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles 1817-1997 - Major
General (retd.) James Lunt.
London; Leo Cooper; 1994. Pp [256].
0-85052-423-7 £19.95

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