Time to end? Re: [OT] What makes a good miniatures web site
From: devans@u...
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 11:12:21 -0500
Subject: Time to end? Re: [OT] What makes a good miniatures web site
I think this topic has gone around a few times, so I'd like to suggest
agreeing to disagree.
On one hand you have those who fear the kind of elitism that either says
either you MUST have a computer or you MUST have all services and know
techniques. My mother has a computer; all she's learned is e-mail. In
eighth decade, she's using it well, and Jon will never get her as a
customer, no how pretty his pictures.
However, I'd simply like to suggest another kind of elitism, the 'you
should know what you want without images' butts up against the Evil
Empire(tm) phenom, which is arguably generated by images, albeit mostly
magazines. Which they get people like me to pay for... *shudder*
I personally don't think the industry is doing that well. I don't have
statistics, just gut feelings, but either for business volume or in
service, I think it could do much better.
Once again, I shall try to refrain from further comment on this kacked