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[Full Thrust] Earn Good Karma, Help a Newbie (fwd)

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 19:12:20 +0100
Subject: [Full Thrust] Earn Good Karma, Help a Newbie (fwd)

Well, I saw this on - and couldn't resist
passing it on (although I'm pretty sure some of you will already have
seen it)



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Date: 14 Jun 2001 08:42:04 -0700
From: (John F Alexander II)
Subject: [Full Thrust]	Earn Good Karma, Help a Newbie

Warning: MST3K characters have been spotted in this post...
	(Tom Servo:  Oh my god, I'm covered in spots!)
	(Crow:	Me too, it must be contagious.)
...and can be disruptive to the flow of it.
	(Mike:	Don't even think about it Crow!)

Hi, my name is John, and I've been a Battletech player for some time
	(All:  Hi, John) 
Since FASA has sold it soul to WizKids recently, I came to a
realization that
I need to find another Sci-Fi game to be obsessed about.  Since I've
never subscribed to the M:TG game mentality...
	(Mike:	Resistance is Futile, you will be Assimilated).
...I've tried to find a game that has enough detail to be interesting
but quick enough to be able to play it between mealtimes.
	(Crow: And you wonder why those Play-by-Meal games never 
	worked out.)
	(Tom:  Yeah!  My Cheddar Flavored Space Marine uses his 
	Ritz Cracker thrower and takes a piece out your Smoked Ham 
	Eldar Tank.  Um, Yummy!)
	(Crow:	Oh yeah, my Orkish Veggy Pizza Slice Siege Engine 
	wedges his way past your Barbecue Chicken Finger Basket APC 
	to strike deep in the heart of whatever that Chocolate Chip 
	Cheesecake is supposed to be.)

I fell into a game of Full Thrust by accident...
	(Mike:	Hey, who left their game out here for someone to 
	trip on?)
	(Tom:  I wonder how many miniature spaceship bruises he 
	still has?)
...and I found it very enjoyable.  I do have some questions though and
I am hoping someone can help enlighten me.
	(Crow:	Oh, go find a fig tree and sit under it like the 
	rest of us!)

First, which web sites are the best to find support programs, ship
designs, alternate rules, game aids, and generally everything that a
obsessive people like myself use with the game.
	(Crow:	Try Cheddar Flavored Space Marines Dot Com)

Second, where can I find the designs for those cool looking UNSC ships
from Geo-Hex's website?
	(Mike:	Did you think it could be something that Geo-Hex 
	sells maybe?)

Third, if I have the first fleetbook, do I need "More Thrust?"
	(Tom:  More Thrust?  But Eye'm Geeven It Awl Sheez Gott, 

Fourth, does anyone have any guidelines for creating spacey 3-D
objects (like asteroids, small planets)?
	(Crow:	...or Carmen Electra)

Thanks a lot for your help,
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