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Re: Unit labels

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:41:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Unit labels

On 14-Jun-01 at 11:26, Andy Cowell ( wrote:
> In message <>,
> Books w rites:
> > 
> > I use standard plastic bases and code numbers in binary along the
> > edge.
> *I'm* a computer geek, and this would annoy me. ;-)  Besides, Hex
> conserve more space. ;-)

Oh, I group for hex and use hex on my data sheets.  I wonder if 
it would be less annoying  to use BCD.	:)

> > To be fair my girlfriend, who has a much steadier touch than I do,
> > paints numbers along the edge.
> If your SO actually participates in the hobby, it would be a poor man
> indeed to criticize anything she does. ;-)

I don't criticize in the least.  Every time I complain about something
she does she trashes me the next time we play.	I no longer comment
when she talks about her "little people."  I've learned.

I'm trying to get her into SG2, but so far she has only shown interest
in Go, RPGs, and Necromunda.  I'm hoping my micro-machines SW stuff
I have based for SG will change that.

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