Re: Unit labels
From: Andy Cowell <andy@c...>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:25:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Unit labels
In message <>, Roger
Books w
> I use standard plastic bases and code numbers in binary along the
> edge.
*I'm* a computer geek, and this would annoy me. ;-) Besides, Hex would
conserve more space. ;-)
> To be fair my girlfriend, who has a much steadier touch than I do,
> paints numbers along the edge.
If your SO actually participates in the hobby, it would be a poor man
indeed to criticize anything she does. ;-) The other day, I showed my
wife some painting I had done. Her reply was, "Oh, that's great," and
I was almost floored with a flashback to when I was three and showed
my mother something I had drawn. ;-)
> Oh, as far as painting technique, the heels of my hands
> are always pressed together when I paint. It doesn't
> matter if you shake as long as everything shakes together. :)
My table has a shelf running underneath it. I brace both feet against
it and both arms on the table, and consign myself to repainting the