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Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 23:43:33 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?

Roger Books wrote:

> On 13-Jun-01 at 14:52, David Griffin ( wrote:
> > So what I'm saying is you can imagine anything
> > you like for your fighters and no one can tell
> > you it's not true as long as it doesn't provoke
> > a rule change (I do that for other parts of my
> > background). However, I just have a somewhat hard
> > time believing that fighters are doing this kind
> > of hard maneuvering AT weapon release time.
> So your auto-jink cuts off for 1/100th of a second
> as the weapon is released.  No big deal.

It does mean that at 1000 km per mu, fighters effectively stop dodging
long enough to get fried at 3mu or less.  Auto-jink causes problem for
weapons fire and communications (if restricted to point to point, pencil
beams).  The weapons mount must be slewed to counteract the auto-jink,
but the wear and tear on those systems will be frightful.  Pencil beam
communications requires that everyone you communicate with knows your
auto-jink routine.  So auto-jink makes stealthy communication between
fighters impossible, because noone is going to use decryptable auto-jink

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