Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:57:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?
On 13-Jun-01 at 16:50, David Griffin ( wrote:
> Again there's nothing broken about the current
> system, we're just exploring possible improvements.
> In that spirit, consider the targetting problem of
> intercepting a MT missile you've known about for
> 2 turns and which is coming straight for you with
> a class 4 beam or a pulse torpedo. Is this really
> an intractable problem? Would it be that much
> harder for the humans of 2160 than it is today
> for us to intercept missiles with missiles?
But we don't intercept missiles with the same missiles
we use to shoot at ships. As a matter of fact the
closest model I could see for the anti-missile
missile system is a PDS. I guess you could attempt
to shoot down a nuclear missile with a nuclear missile
but nothing is really designed for that because it is
extremely inefficient. I guess what it comes down to
is do we expect extensions of what is current. Currently
we have offensive systems and defensive systems and the
two just don't seem to meet.