Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?
From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:33:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FT] Should all Beams fire at fighters/ordinance?
--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> On 13-Jun-01 at 12:51, Ryan Gill
> ( wrote:
> > At 5:48 AM -0700 6/13/01, David Griffin wrote:
> > >Doesn't that depend on what kind of mount you're
> > >talking about? If you're dealing with something
> > >that looks like it belongs on the Yamato, then
> > >yes. But lasers and electronics aren't
> necessarily
> > >heavy, so the weight might be negligible, or at
> > >least pretty light. Also, some designs (like the
> > >collimeter phaser on the dish of the 1701D)
> > >don't require any motion of any kind and thus
> > >could easily target anything in it's arc
> instantly.
> >
> > David, how many mass is adding an arc to a class
> 3? 1 additional
> > mass. Sounds like the gear for shifting point of
> aim is quite heavy.
> Or they have to run waveguides down extra sections
> of the ship,
> or the main mass is the capacitor and extra arcs
> just take
> directors on extra areas of the ship or...
> It's your PSB, the game was designed around Jon's
> PSB, don't assume
> your regression of why the rules are the way they
> are actually
> matches reality.
> Roger
Exactly, you can't really tell just from the mass of
the extra arcs what mechanism is being used. Since
Jon's mechanism (whatever it is) seems to only allow
beam 1's to fire, perhaps his does involve moving a
collossal amount of metal around. Only Jon knows.
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