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Re: MT Missiles vs. Kra'Vak Scatter Packs

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:41:40 -0400
Subject: Re: MT Missiles vs. Kra'Vak Scatter Packs

Ryan M Gill wrote:

> At 9:29 AM -0400 6/12/01, Roger Books wrote:
> >
> >Looking at the damage potential of a scattergun it is painful to use
> >them on fighters or Salvo Missiles.	How much more so to use them
> Remember though, scatter packs are 50% less effective against Heavy
> Fighters. D6 Halved, rounded up. That provides a useful yardstick
> does it not?
> (I'm guessing on the correct percentages here, statistics aren't my
> PDS vs fighters 4,5 - 1; 6 - 2.  60% effective
> PDS vs salvo missiles 4,5 - 1; 6 - 2. 60% effective
> PDS vs Heavy Fighters 5 - 1; 6 - 2. 40% effective
> PDS vs MT missiles 6 only. 20% effective?
> Scatterpacks vs fighters D6. about 75% effective
> Scatterpacks vs missiles D6. 90% effective (vs the d6 SMs)
> Scatterpacks vs Heavy Fighters, 1/2 D6.
> Scatterpacks vs MT Missiles D6???! 100% effective

You forgot to look at how many fighters are destroyed, and your
numbers are a little off

PDS vs fighters 4,5,-1; 6-2, 66% effective
PDS vs missiles, also 66% effective
PDS vs heavy fighters 50% effective

Scattergun vs fighters & missiles: 100-600% effective
Scattergun vs heavy fighters: 100-300% effective
Scatterguns vs PB's: 100-300% effective
Scatterguns versus ships: 66% effective

Every 100% effectiveness equates to one point of damage.
All small targets (non-ships) suffer at least one point of damage when
upon by a scattergun.  This implies that a scattergun is guaranteed to
obliterate whatever it is fired at, but it is not guaranteed that other
potential targets near the main target will be struck.

[PSB extrapolated from rules]
Scatterguns would be fired at the centroid of an incoming group of
fighters or
missiles, except that this centroid may not actually coincide with any
of the
individual targets, so the aim point is actually shifted to the
within the group that is the closest (by least squares approximation) to
centroid to ensure that at least one of the threats is caught in the

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