Re: [OT] SFB Fighter comment
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 23:30:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] SFB Fighter comment
On 8-Jun-01 at 19:41, Robert W. Hofrichter (
> In my experience in SFB, fighters were pretty good, though only if the
> "right" kind or backed up by some ships. Hordes of fighters
> phas-G equipped ones) were VERY dangerous (but that was about 15 years
> ago--the rules have certainly had numerous "addenda" since then, I'm
> Long live the LDR!
> Rob
So has anyone tried to do an ESG for FT? :)
Roger (also an LDR player, I loved PFs)