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Re: Scratch building help

From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 14:33:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Scratch building help

The engines come from the DN.  The spheres will probably be ping
pong balls.  The girder structure in the center is the problem.
I may try to sculpt something and then resin cast it, but there
may be a better way, does anyone have any suggestions.

Does it HAVE to be that kind of cross-hatch?

Hobby(Evergreen, and some other name I can't recall) girder bracing uses
alternating diagonals, which, if doubled, could give it x's, but with a
flat piece down the center:


...looks like heck, but if you smoosh them together vertically...

Also, I think some older space models, maybe the Armeggeddon Russki
station, might have what you seek, but that XXXXXXX is going to be hard

Also, if those are ping-pong balls, I'm not certain the hobby girders
going to be big enough.

Well, I've burbled enough.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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