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RE: [FT] Scale in Full Thrust

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 09:38:13 +1000
Subject: RE: [FT] Scale in Full Thrust

On Friday, June 08, 2001 5:28 AM, Oerjan Ohlson
[] wrote:
> Brendan Robertson wrote:
> >Doing some quick internet referencing, the seaworthy viking ships
> >between 2000 lbs & 6000 lbs with crew of 15-25.
> Um... well. That - particularly the crew size - sounds more like the 
> smaller Swedish boats used in the Baltic and the Russian rivers.

> longships - the seagoing types - were rather bigger, with crews in the

> 40-100 man range. Not sure of their displacements though.
> >EG:	Space Longship
> >Bow Catapult (F) [Pulsetorp - seems to fit the all or nothing
> >Port Ballista (FP/AP) [Class 3 battery)
> >Starboard Ballista (FS/AS) [Class 3 battery]
> Um... there's no place to put a catapult on a Viking longship :-/
> thinking of the English warships built to combat longships; they had 
> sizable fighting platforms both forward and aft :-/

Well, I did say QUICK internet referencing.  

Details, details.  That's never stopped a gamer from recreating
fact how they want to do it.
It was mostly example to show possible solutions.
If I want catapults on my longships, I'll redesign them to fit. :-)~~

'Neath Southern Skies -
[MKW2] Admiral Peter Rollins - Task Force Zulu-Beta
[FITS-DP] World Cup Team: Australia II

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