Re: Armour generator
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 07:25:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Armour generator
From: Jaime Tiampo <>
Sorry for the stomping...
> Lets say each level @ 5% ship mass.
> Each level creates 5 armour points.
> Armour absorbs all damage
This is _far_ better than level 1 screens, which stop 1/6 of beam damage
only. It is far better than regular armour (even shell armour), as
(rerolls, torp damage, K-guns) penetrates. It has the additional balance
problem of being "kinetic" armor on top of the beam protection. Cost
have to be _very_ high - _minimum_ 10 pts/mass, probably more, since the
armour is more than 5x as effective as regular armor.
> Once armour is gone generator takes threshold check @ 5+
This is another _advantage_ of the Armour generator, since regular arour
_no_ chance of regeneration after it is all crossed off.
> Armour regenerates during repair phase @ 1 point per level
Another +2 or 3 pts/mass
>Generator can be targeted by needle beams
>While armour up needle beams cam only target generator
Small, but significant bonus depending on oppnent. +1-+5/Mass -
scenario/Genre dependent.
> Generator takes thresholds like normal system
> If repaired armour regenerates as normal that turn
> This system is more cost effective for small ships and less for large
> ones. Should make smaller ships harder to kill and more usefull.
_Far_ more cost effective. The NSL would rule space with this system:
A Waldburg replacing its 3 Armour with Armour Generators (10% of hull)
would, for the same mass, be able to take 10 points of damage before
scratching the hull. Even at a cost of 20/mass its cheap.
A Kornprinz Wilhelm could trade its 5 armour for 1 Generator, save 2
for additional weapons or hull. and get better protection for a bargain
pretty much everything under Heavy Cruiser class would improve unduly
this system. A swarm of Falkes or Stroschen, each with 5 pts of
all-absorbing armour is the illogical extreme.