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Re:[FT]Scale in Full Thrust

From: "Bif Smith" <bif@b...>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 00:41:53 +0100
Subject: Re:[FT]Scale in Full Thrust

>>Oh, a HH SD would have a mass of 75000 mass (YES, 75 thousand!!!)
>>mass given in FT of 1 mass equals 100 tonnes. This is because the mass
>>SD in HH is given at 7.5 million tonnes. There is also the mass of a
>>fortress is given at 16 million tonnes. The only problem given is that
>>someone worked out that the given masses for a HH SD is too low for
>>volume given. The desity of a SD would be the same as styrofoam! Not
>>battlesteel is it?

>Wow, I was low...I came up with the 2-3000 mass value just looking at
>the concept for a LAC carrier assuming each LAC were in the 20-30
>mass range.

>The crew size and physical dimensions of the vessels also gives one
>an idea of the scale of difference between HH and FT. But then, look
>how far in the future HH is. Compare Battleship growth from 1900 to
>1945. They started out at 14,000 tonnes or so and were at 60-70,000
>tonnes by the end of WWII. Pretty good growth curve in 45 years.

Oh, I made a little mistake, in that a 7.5 million tonne SD in HH would
either a IAN SD or a older SD, the newest HH SD mass in at 8.5 million
tonnes. You could use each mass to represent 100 tonnes, but 100 tonnes
mass actually works better for the weapons (a inpeller drive missile
in at 100 tonnes, or 1 mass, and if you used the masses given for the MT
missile launcher in the WDA, they work well for HH missiles with a
modification). There would be other things to consider that if you
wanted to
go into great detail work very well if you use 1 mass=100 tonnes, like
AFSML`s as counter missiles. I once tried designing some ships like this
using the given figures, but I gave up for the SD (if you want to know
I mean, use the different things from the WDA for the different weapons,
with class C pulsars for the energy weapons).

DD`s (at only 88 thousand tonnes or 880 mass, for the newest ships) are
easier, but it gets very difficult when you get to BC and higher <G>.


"Yorkshire born, yorkshire bred,
strong in arms, thick in head"

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