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Re: [Stargrunt]

From: Allan Goodall <awg@s...>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:10:25 EDT
Subject: Re: [Stargrunt]

> From: Ryan Gill <>
> Date: 2001/06/06 Wed AM 04:43:42 EDT

> I'm really bloody new to Stargrunt so I'm not 
> certain if this is Kosher or not.

Okay, let's take a look at it...

> I'm looking at going with an 8 man Section (squad for my fellow 
> Yanks) that is easily split into two fire teams.
> Fireteam 1 (D6 firepower plus SAW or IAVRs and GMS/P)
> Section Leader (Corporal or Sgt)
> SAW Gunner
> Rifleman
> Fireteam2 (D10 Firepower Plus SAW)
> Teamleader (Lance Corporal)
> SAW Gunner
> Rifleman
> Rifleman

Well, how you handle the fire teams will dictate how the squad is set

The list seems to be split as to whether fireteams should be modelled as
separate "squads", should be modelled as detached units, or shouldn't be
modelled at all.

Tom B. likes to model them as separate squads.

I personally don't think they should be modelled as separate squads in
Stargrunt. The problem, of course, is that the detached element rules
make detaching fireteams a hassle. 

Tom and I (okay, mostly Tom, but I had some input) came up with a house
rule (so far, untested, I believe) that would make detached elements
more useful. It also has the benefit of making the "commander in the
corner" problem less likely to happen.

At any rate, you don't need to specify your fireteams in Stargrunt II if
you plan to do detached elements. You can detach an element at any time,
and you can give it any composition you need.

So, your squad would look like this:

1 Leader
2 SAWs
4 Rifle Troopers

This is perfectly legal. The rules are hazy when it comes to putting
multiple support weapons in a single squad, but the list has determined
that it is legal (and historically accurate).
> Generaly how do folks attach a mortar team to a platoon? 

I haven't really used mortar teams. Not as on-table assets, anyway. If I
did, I'd have them in their own team and not part of the Platoon HQ

> One other question regards EW and FO teams of 2 or 1 men. Do these 
> operate as standard attached units at the Platoon Leader (Lt) level 
> or more often at the Company Level (Captain), or do they start out as 
> separate and independent teams with their own activations and actions?

I've used EW as separate teams, and as attached to the platoon HQ squad.
They are far more flexible as a separate team, but I've used them as
part of the command squad when I've felt like limiting transfer actions
as part of a scenario (of course this REALLY encourages the command
squad to go running into the woods at the beginning of a scenario and
not come out until the battle's over).

The suggested forces at the back of the book put the EW teams as part of
the command squad, though the rules state that it can be done either
way. I prefer to have them on their own. Of course, the EW rules are not
clear. They don't state that activating EW requires an action, nor do
they say why one would want to turn EW off, even though that's an

I suggest that if your group allows for automatic EW (doesn't require an
action) you can do whatever you want with them, though I'd probably just
keep them as part of the command squad to keep things simple. If your
group (like mine) requires an action to activate the EW unit, then I
would suggest making it a separate squad.

Allan Goodall

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