Re: WarFair - Atlanta GA USA - 6/15-17/01
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 10:26:07 EDT
Subject: Re: WarFair - Atlanta GA USA - 6/15-17/01
Aimee, very kind, and while I am unable to drag wife and kids down that
way I always want to encourage anyone on the list to let us know what is
going on (esp DS2/FT/SG2 wise) locally 'just in case' they are there on
pleasure or business and can drop in to put faces on e-addresses.
That said, I have taken the 'heretical' plunge and plan to try and put
a DS2 (and FT unless Pat has something cooking) at the local Historical
con (Big Muddy Historical Gaming Alliance) in November. Just last week
ran a Matchlocks on the Warpath (two players and myself (out of 6
possible) running in a three way skirmish, Evil English-Anglican scouts
won while fractionalized Native American Braves cut each other up and
band of novices discovered the advantages of Armor and Matchlocks over
clubs...) and a TSATF (old rules) "Fashoda turns bloody" skirmish (Must
have been England's day -French remanents surrendered and Not-Zulus
straggler escaped with a cow and credit for killing a local woman.) But
this is wandering OT.
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