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Re: MT Heavy Missiles and Ship Defenses

From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 04:40:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: MT Heavy Missiles and Ship Defenses

--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 May 2001 18:08:20 -0700 (PDT) David
> Griffin
> <> writes:
> >"After all missile movement is completed, play 
> >proceeds as normal with all ships moving in
> accordance
> >with their orders; any ships that
> >finish their movement within 6" of an active
> >missile (and NOT in the Missile's REAR arc)
> >may be attacked by that missile during the 
> >firing phase of the turn.
> >
> >That means not the old REAR arc (25% of
> >the whole 360 degree circle around the
> >missile).
> >
> Except that FB1 divides it up into 60 degree arcs; 
> Yes, you can keep the
> old Arcs which I would consider for MT missiles in
> this case (provide you
> own PSB as needed) for simplicity sake.  310 degrees
> is one heck of an
> acquisition area...

270 degrees and I agree. (75% of 360 = 270).
And the only reason I'm keeping the old arcs
here is that there is no later rule to decide
what that 270 degrees converts into. Is there
a GZG ruling on this, say a convention ruling?

GZG really should elaborate since it's a sort
of gaping hole in the rules. They left MT 
missiles in the ship building rules so they
must mean us to use them. Why not disambiguate
the rules and tell us what their cinematic
movement and acquisition arcs convert into for
Fleet Book 1?

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