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Re: PDS/ADFC systems

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 13:30:16 -0400
Subject: Re: PDS/ADFC systems

BIF wrote:

>I was thinking about the PSB for the PDS systems, and the fact that
>systems would be under computer control with minimal human supervision. 

Why? Sophisticated computer/electronic aid may merely augment the human
fire/no fire decision. Or the system itself is shotgun like - you don't
so much accuracy only a computer could fire it. Or its something even
bizarre - you patch gremembers into a grav sensor grid directly and they
"feel" where to shoot.

>My thinking is due to the shear speeds involved in space ship terms,
>human	would be hoplesly outclassed and too slow to be used to
>incoming  missiles or fighters, especially as these SMALL vesells will 
> be dodging to avoid the PDS at the same time.

Remember the "standard" turn lasts anywhere from 5-20 minutes. How fast
reaction time have to be if the turn really condenses the aggregate of
feints and attacks?

> Also, how do you think the ADFCons work? My 
> thinking is the ADFC works as a high rate computer comunications
>that links the ships together, using the targetted (or the non-ADFC 
>ships) sensors to provide a single sensor image to work from. 

Could also simply be a focusing aid for small targets attacking other
Perhaps ships w/o ADFC can't point weak PDS up to 6" away vs. things not
attacking their own ship.

>...This could be a reasonable	explination due to the fact that a ship 
>cannot attack any missile or fighter 
>within 6 MU, only one that is actually attacking your ship. This would 
>also explain why I see ADFC tying the ship with the ADFC into the
of the targetted ship. 

It _could_ be reasonable. But there are other ways of thinking about it
require humans-in-the-loop, or other concepts that make a solely
or -justified rule difficult or impossible to apply. 

I think of PDS attacks this way. Missiles and fighters may engage a
that's 6" waya, but all the actual firing etc takes place within 1"
like within 0.1"). To me its implausible at best to expect fighters to
effective at ranges of over 1000 km (one of the most standard
for an MU. So a ship using PDS vs. things attacking it are going for the
bona-fide shrotest range possible.
ADFC enables you to focus your arages against targets much farther away,
possibly in conjunction with the target ships' own PDS net. While the
target's fire goes vs. the terminal or attack runs, the ADFC support
goes as
they set up or regroup slightly furhter out. 

But again, that's only one way of thinking about it, which has its own
strengths and flaws. The PSB is what gives the game a distinct flavor,
in a game like FT, it shouldn't define the rules. IMO.


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