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Re: [FT] Savasku Pods

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 08:35:00 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Savasku Pods

>I started this thread because I had some bad
>experiences with pods from custom designed ships.
>As a player who uses custom designed (though
>generalized) human ships, it's hard to demand of
>the Savasku player that he not use any custom
>designs. Therefore, I was trying to see if there
>were any established tactics that really changed
>the balance of power. I've just refused to play
>Savasku recently because the customized ships with
>their huge numbers of pod launchers, or heavy
>long range beams, or huge numbers of non-morale
>dependent fighters made the game not fun.
>It sounds from what I've heard that the book ships
>aren't near as bad, though I'd still wonder if the
>larger ones aren't a little too cheap for their
>point value.
>Frankly, if there was an official (GZG) revised
>point system that kept custom designs from getting
>out of control, it would go a long way toward my
>willingness to fight them again.
>I wish Mr. Tuffley would comment on this topic,
>especially as to whether a revised custom design
>point schedule is likely to be forthcoming in
>future products.

I try to avoid "official" pronouncements on this sort of thing until
they've worked themselves out for a while....a knee-jerk reaction to
fix" an apparent problem can often cause more problems in its turn, and
Kevin commented about the SMs it sometimes turns out that once everyone
gets used to them then a lot of the perceived problems go away
On the S'V there IS attention needed to this particular aspect, that of
overpowered custom designs, and we'll address that "officially" when we
FB3 (yes, it will be coming, just DON'T ask when.... <grin>); in the
meantime, keep trying out the suggestions that have been made already
(stinger range reduction and moving some systems to different energy
pools); when and if everyone agrees that they do the trick, we may make
them "official" (hey, there's that word again...).
You mention that you use custom human designs that are "generalised",
presumably in the spirit of the FB1 designs - in that case I don't see
you'd be unreasonable in asking your S'V player to keep his custom
"generalised" too, and in the spirit of the FB2 designs, rather than
munchkinised ones.

Jon (GZG)
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