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[DSII] Re: VTOL fighting

From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 10:32:31 -0500
Subject: [DSII] Re: VTOL fighting

That's one example of why VTOL's may be used. Does it answer any
questions, or just raise more?

As with all good posts, a little of both. ;->=

However, it does seem you use mostly 'specialized' VTOL's, albeit ones
find transiting to orbit as easy as landing, as opposed to

I suppose that, in my scenario mechanics, the costs would favor
specialized, drop-and-pickup, 'round trip' landers and somewhat more
generalized, 'one-way' drop ships, which would require retrieval
though I'd think anything that tries to do it all well should be as
expensive as petrol is becoming.

I'd like to make VERY expensive even the one-ways that can, a) drop a
platoon or tank, b) follow that them in, giving ground support, and
c) strike fear into a fighter pilot's heart.

Well, I'm really trying to make canned scenarios ala Winchell (did I
call him Walter??? *blush*), so I can make available forces as I chose.


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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