Re: The United States in Full Thrust
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:10:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: The United States in Full Thrust
On 27-Apr-01 at 10:02, ( wrote:
> Now I don't get this. Where does it say that the USA becomes a
> British (not English) colony? The background states that the UK, the
> USA and Canada unite under the crown. The Queen is head of state in
> Canada today. Doesn't make Canada a british colony though.
You've just hit on the big problem, "under the crown". US Americans are
trained since birth to abhor the thought of a "crown". If "The Crown"
was abolished and we were brought in as equals I bet nobody would
have a problem. It would give exactly the same result but those
in the USA wouldn't kick.