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Vehicle Questions for SG

From: thwaak <thwaak@p...>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 17:55:36 -0700
Subject: Vehicle Questions for SG

(First, I'd like to thank everyone that weighed in on the multiple
support weapon question. It's all been very helpful. Thanks!)

OK, next question that has come up.

Under designing a vehicle:

1) GMS systems have a capacity point of 2 for GMS/L and 4 for GMS/H. Are
these numbers then multiplied by 2 for fixed mounts, or 3 for turret
mounts? Are they used as is, regardless of how they are mounted?

2) What if anything does 'Command/Communications Systems' do for you at
8 cap points? It is apparently 'essential for any Command Vehicle', but
I can find no rules on it.

Thanks as always,
Brent Wolke  - who, as a Californian, CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE a future where

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