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Re: [FT] WotW #7 Holofields

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 22:43:11 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] WotW #7 Holofields

I don't *think* you meant to only reply to me, so all your text is

At 08:30 PM 4/25/01 +0100, Charles wrote:
>In message <> Aaron
>> >Effect as screen-1 vs. all beam weapons (including stingers and
>> >-1 to hit (ie. treat target as 6 mu further away) vs. K-guns, pulse
>> >torpedoes, and pod launchers
>> >-1 to number of missiles on target for smls
>> >no effect on plasma bolts and other area effect weapons.
>> >KV fighters do no damage on rolls of 4.
>> Wouldn't that fall under "effect as screen-1"?  Or do you just want
>> state specifics? [snip]
>Yes, it is affect as screen-1 vs. KV fighters - I was just trying to be
>clear :-)
>AFAIK screens work as normal vs. fighters, so holofields should be
>treated as level 1 screens vs. human, SV, and Phalon fighters

Okay, sounds good.

>Hmm... one minor thing I think was missed - Torp fighters - negates
>rolls of 4 anyone? (i.e. vs. holofield torp fighters miss on 1-4, do 5
>dp on a 5, and 6 dp on a 6) - or -1 to torpedo dice (miss on 1-4, 4 dp
>on a 5, 5 dp on a 6)?

I think you meant "miss on 1-3, 3 dp on a 4,..." but since the intent is
affect "to hit" only, and leave damage at full, I'd say rolls of 4 miss
while 5 & 6 score full damage.

>> >This leaves a few unresolved questions:
>> >What is the effect vs. Submunitions Packs, Multiple Kinetic
>> >packs, and scatterguns?
>> Basically, though, if you pull my original statement about how they
work --
>> they subtract 1 from the roll to hit, but do not affect damage -- and
>> it to however the to-hit mechanisms work, that'll keep me happy.
>Well, SMPs, MKPs and scatterguns _all_ use the standard 'beam dice'
>mechanic (but IIRC only SMPs get re-rolls) - so apply the holofield
>effect as a level 1 screen (for consistency).

Fine by me. ^_^

>> >What is the effect vs. MT missiles (I'm sure someone posted this -
>> >I cannot remember what - reduced 'lock on' range maybe?).
>> That's probably easiest, since I don't think there's a "to hit" roll
>> those missiles.  We might as well set the precedent now, since it'll
>> probably also apply to one of the "hush-hush" UN weapons I used (to
>> effect, than kew! <grin>) at GZG ECC IV.
>> Come to that, I suppose the field could have that effect against
>> as well, instead of (or in addition to? ^_- nah...) removing one
>> So maybe against anything with a "lock-on" movement, it reduces the
>> of that, while if a weapon is direct-fire it's -1 to hit but no
effect on
>> damage.  (Or level 1 screens.  Whatever, close enough/same effect....
>Alternatively count the holofield as an extra PDS vs. each

Hmm, an automatic 1 PDS per salvo?  Dunno, other people's opinions...?

>> >MASS is 10% of the Hull MASS of the ship.
>> >COST is 3x the MASS?
>> >
>> >(Could use MASS is 5% of Hull MASS, Cost is MASS x7 or even x8 - as
>> >alternative).
>> I think Oerjan's the one most qualified to make numbers calls like
>> <grin>  I am kind of inclined to keep the MASS around that of a
>> screen, though, since holofields *are* supposed to be a high-tech
>> (Pay more for "miniaturization" or something...?)  But either way
>The latter set of values are the 'high tech' version.

But setting the actual points cost is more Oerjan's turf. ^_-  He's the
weapons-master number cruncher.... <grin>

>One thing I missed from my summary, IIRC it was decided that holofields
>are incompatible with screens and vapour shrouds (i.e. you can have
>than one such system working at once).

Er, *can't*.  Correct, and that was incorporated from the beginning.
(Well, for screens anyway, there were no vapor shrouds at the time....)

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