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(DS) Heavy Weapons

From: "mark and staci drake" <thedrake@p...>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 21:21:57 -0500
Subject: (DS) Heavy Weapons

John Atkinson,
       Do you have a TO&E for your elite drop regiment w/DFFG/1? Is it
your site?

Chris Downes-Ward,
	Check out "Saving Private Ryan" for an idea of how a 20mm gun
look in action (the SS bring up a 20mm AA gun on a 2 wheel chassis and
blasting away with it.As far as ammo for it goes,I am assuming the gun
somehow towed up,unhooked ,then manhandled into firing position.My guess
the tow vehicle was the halftrack which came around the US right flank
towards the bridge....although it looked more to me like it was full of
panzergrenadiers.Any thoughts on this??????)

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