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Re: [OT] Arrows

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:13:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Arrows

--- Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:

> Plate? Hell yeah. Don't get me on this argument. As
> a memeber of the SCA
> in an area were plate is proof from missile fire
> even though we TESTED
> regular arrows with high power bows throw plate
> armour and it is like a
> hot knife. At long range no, but once you get closer
> it's just nasty to
> look at.

Sure.  If it hits squarely at less than 50m.  But a
man in armor could wade through arrow fire at longer
range, especially against glancing or high angle
shots.	The killing power of bows against heavy
cavalry is the damage done to the horses, which breaks
up the cohesion of the charge.	Kills on knights at
close range will be minimal compared to the disruptive
effect of killing the mounts. 


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