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Re: [OT] Digital Cameras

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:33:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [OT] Digital Cameras

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Derek Fulton wrote:

> The source had was a book from the local library, one of those how to
> books. Unfortunately it's not on the shelf at the local library (at
> moment) and working from memory is always a dangerous thing. But the 
> important point is, the more pixels the better the resolution and
> in the shops here, 2 to 3 megapixel cameras are comparable in price to
> I paid for my 35mm SLR (Aust$800 -900). Based on the price drops I
seen in 
> the last 6 months the price will continue to drop, by the end of the
year a 
> good digitial camera will be affordable even to me :)

Then again, there's a HUGE market of 2nd hand SLR's. I bought mine, a
nice, ancient, manual-everything (well, almost) minolta for approx. 300
guilders. 250A$ or so, I guess. (Of course, then comes tele-lenses, wide
angle lenses, filters, etc etc... But that's the same 'problem' with any

So as long as you don't mind not having an in-built CRAY-II to decide
you how your pictures should look, you can get both manual and automatic
SLR's, of good quality, FAR cheaper than any digital camera :)

I contemplated a digital camera last summer, but decided to get a 2nd
SLR (my first), instead. Simply can't get the same quality for anywhere
near the price. That was back then, and a few years in the future the
balance may well be different.

Hmmm. If you just want pictures to put on the web, a digicam will do you
fine, though :)


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