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Re: AAR KraVak vs Nea Rhomaioi

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 20:10:57 -0500
Subject: Re: AAR KraVak vs Nea Rhomaioi

Laserlight wrote:

> Well, I got spanked.
> Lessons:
> 1.  KV in vector, against a KV-hunter HuMan fleet, aren't
> overwhelming.  John says "they're still scary".
> 2.  Any parking space in front of 16 PTorps is a bad place to be
> (unless you're playing vs Indy, of course).
> Any suggestions on how to handle KV vs the following?
> St Andrew
> Mass 250
> Hull110
> Cost 755
> MD4
> 5 FCS
> 9PDS no armor or shields
> 8 PTorp, 2 B2, 3 B3 (3arc) 1 B1

First, make sure that your opponent's math is correct.	The St. Andrew
a mass of 262 and a cost of 860

> St Theodore the Recruit
> Mass 160
> Hull 57
> Cost 538
> MD4
> 3 FCS
> 6PDS no armor or shields
> 8 PTorp, 1 B2(360), 2 B3 (3arc)

This class has a mass of 161 and a cost of 542.

These differences are not that big, the second thing to do is if you
that your opponent does not put armor on his warships, you should not
any K-gun larger than a class three.  The K-3 does an average of 4.5
damage per hit, and only has a mass of 5.  If your opponent does not use
fighters, neither should you as K-3's are cheaper.  If you are sure that
you can close (which the p-torp heavy opponent will want to do to)
consider replacing some k-guns with the same mass of MKP's.  At a range
12 or less, a battery of six mkp's will inflict 16 points of damage with
average die rolls.  Consider swapping mkp's for scattergun, because, if
your opponent is neither fielding fighters nor missiles, scatterguns are
expensive dead weight and mkp's are cheaper and more useful.

Quite simply, this fleet "out-Kra'Vak'ed" the Kra'Vak, because, mass for
mass, the p-torp is a cheap K-3 (it has the same hit probability, and
3.5 per hit, but only masses 4, and costs 12).	K-guns only beat p-torps
when ships are armored.

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