Re: [FT] Rules Questions
From: Shawn M Mininger <smininger@y...>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:07:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Rules Questions
Honostly, fighter swarming seems like a valid tactic
to me, especially if you're playing a campaign where
you are conquering planets and using limited resources
to build your fleet. Fighters are great for system
defense (my starbases have tons of fighters because
they are only protecting the starsystem they are based
at and don't need FTL) Fighters are also great as
attrition units as they are cheap and can be produced
In my mind, fighter swarming is no different then
building ships with a ton of missles.
Plus, the race that I use in our campaigns is the
Fungarians....heh eh heh essentially sentient
mushrooms. They build 'SporeFleets' which are VERY
heavy on fighters (Spores).
I suppose that it would really depend on if you are
playing morale rules....very few cultures would throw
away people to what is essentially kamakazi attacks.
--- wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robertson, Brendan
> <>
> To: ''
> <>
> Date: Friday, March 30, 2001 12:33 AM
> Subject: RE: [FT] Rules Questions
> >2. Under FTFB1-2, there is no minimum size for a
> carrier, as long as
> >you have enough mass. Theoretically you could
> build a carrier of 9 mass (1
> >hull, MD 3, FTL, 1 fighter bay), but most of the
> fighters will surrender as
> >soon as the carriers go pop. MT has been
> superseded by FTFB1-2.
> >
> >3. No maximum size either, but ships of more than
> 300 mass really
> >belong under the Supership rules from MT, as
> they're just too big to fight
> >against.
> >
> >4. No maximum number of squadrons; again, if you
> have the mass, you can
> >do it.
> What about page 16 of the Full Thrust rulebook, top
> left cornor where it
> state only specific ships can have fighters also
> giving hanger capacity
> limits? I find no place stating this rule is no
> longer somehow in effect.
> The situation that started this thread was our
> opponents tonight fielded
> five ships, each TMF 80, that combined launched
> about 22 fighter groups.
> Yes these 80 TMF ships sometimes had 5 hangers each.
> David (started this thread) and I encountered thes
> ships tonight at out
> weekly games here in Atlanta. Maybe it's legal, but
> somehow it also seems
> odd.
> Could Jon clear this up? Is there an official
> ruling out there somewhere?
> A
Thank You,
Shawn M Mininger
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