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Re: [FT] ECM

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 13:45:39 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] ECM

Roger Books wrote:
> On 29-Mar-01 at 13:27, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker (
> > >There is a reason our campaign system uses the ECM rules it
> > >does.  If you have perfect knowledge of ships at 48" there
> > >is no point to ECM.
> >
> > Two worms for the can:
> > 1) Very few people ever used the FT2 Sensors/ECM rules.
> > 2) Virtually all FT battles are "full knowledge" from the get go.

PBeM games can also benefit from the ECM rules, but it does require
an additional bit of effort to apply them.  I've run a number of 
games with active ECM, weasels, decoys, and scanning reports.

I've never used ECM on the tabletop.

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