Re: [SG] Leader placement
From: Kevin Walker <sage@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 23:56:34 -0600
Subject: Re: [SG] Leader placement
on 3/28/01 21:19, Andy Cowell at wrote:
> In message <>, "Brian Bell"
>> Yes,
>> What I would object to is if someone organized the company as
>> Company Commander (Independant Figure)
>> |
>> Company Command Squad
> :
>> _|____________ _|_ _|_
>> Platoon Leader PL PL
>> (Independant Figure) -+- -+-
>> -+------------ | |
>> | | |
>> Platoon Platoon Platoon
> Actually, this doesn't give an extra level of command, it simply gives
> the PL an extra unit to activate. It's similar to assigning the PL to
> a normal squad, and letting it activate itself. It *could* be a used
> as a bit of gamemanship, but not really that bad.
Ah...but it does all what is basically the platoon HQ people to activate
separately from the PL which permits the PL to transfer actions without
having a negative effect on the rest of the platoon HQ.
> My command squads are typically smaller, say 4-5 people, because for
> whatever reason that's what feels realistic to me. It's pretty much
> the PL and a few riflemen to protect him. It's not so different than
> this situation.
I tend to go with a slightly smaller HQ unit as well. I can't see
the PL completely separate as he/she should have some support staff as
(besides I plan a fair amount of WWII skirmish and all the PL have
personnel so it's also a familiarity thing for me).
Kevin Walker