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Re: Starship Basing Alternatives

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:37:48 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Starship Basing Alternatives

On 27-Mar-01 at 02:45, Frits Kuijlman ( wrote:
> > > would like to know if anyone has any good alternative ideas for
> > > them rather than spindly, stick-like flight bases
> There are some photos in More thrust (I think) of bigger bases used
> capital ships. There are still spindly, but they seem to be metal, and
> probably quite heavy. I haven't a clue though where to get those.
> There was also a discussion recently about building flight bases
> Don't know if it was here or on r.g.m.m.
> One idea was to use 2 different diameters of square tubing so you can
> remove the ships from the base for storage. The thing that has been
> bugging me about this idea though is how to make square holes in a
> base. I don't have a square drill:-)

That's what I do, although that square drill thing is difficult.  :)

Epoxy doesn't care, the big problem I have is getting the post 
square to the ship.  All my ships cant in different directions.

It makes storage easy, I buy tackle boxes and put a little foam
in them, cut a hole in the foam for the rod and away you go.  If
I wanted to shelf them I would drill holes in a strip of wood.
Insert the square tubing if you want to be obsessive.

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