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(Semi-OT) Notes from the zip drive

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 07:31:22 -0800 (PST)
Subject: (Semi-OT) Notes from the zip drive

OK, I finally got the zip drive working with my
parent's computer (mine is packed up in transit to Ft.
Hood) and I found a couple of things that might be of
interest to the group.

1) Who was it was running a quote page?  I started a
quote file of my own, and got it up to 17 pages before
a disk drive failure (you could shake it and hear
parts rattling around inside) wiped it out.  I've
rebuilt it partially, but I havn't added the
Fehrenbach quotes back in (impulsively gave my copy of
This Kind of War to my idiot brother as a birthday
present).  If you're interested, e-mail me off-list.

2) I'm a Traveller geek.  And as such, I've been
buying the GURPS: Traveller stuff religiously
(shudder) just for the wealth of background data.  One
of the niftier items in this compilation is a glossary
of both technical and slang terms used by military
forces of the Traveller universe.  I've combed through
it, along with the library data in various T:TNE and
CT books, to produce a fairly interesting listing,
discarding those terms which aren't relevant to the
GZGverse and adding some of my own.  Anyone interested
in what I've got?

3) I've totally revamped and refitted the NRE fleet,
as well as rewritten the fleet listing.  I'll be
getting it up and on the web page as soon as possible.
 Watch for the K-varients to some of the ships--those
are the NRE's modifications to ships under
construction in 2183 which incorporate a number of
anti-Kra'Vak modifications.


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