Re: [SG] 15mm group composition
From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 10:52:47 +0100
Subject: Re: [SG] 15mm group composition
"Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" wrote:
> Does anyone know what the composition of the 15mm Stargrunt figures
are? The
> regular troops come 8 to a pack and the PA 6 to a pack. The only
picture on
> the catalog web site is
> supposedly of NSL regular infantry. The picture only shows 6 figures.
> these I would guess that these are either 3 rifle troops, 1 PIG, 1
GAC, and
> 1 SAW or 3 rifle, 1 GSM/P, 1 PIG, and 1 SAW.
I've never noticed before, but this picture is a bit of a mish-mash of
Only the centre two figures are NSL (a grunt and the SAW gunner). The
right hand two are FSE (grunt and SAW gunner again). I'm not sure of the
left two, until I get home and check my unpainted collection I can't be
sure. They _might_ be UNSC.
> I would like to know:
> 1) what these are really supposed to be?
> 2) what the 2 unpictured figures are (rifle probably)?
> 3) what is the composition of the PA pack?
> 4) does it change by nationality?
I reviewed the SG2 15mm range for the SFSFW's 'Ragnarok' society
magazine, so I have most of the packs. The NSL, NAC and ESU infantry
packs are all the same - squad leader, 5 grunts in two different poses,
SAW and GMS/P. The FSE are slightly different in that they have no
obvious SL, but instead have 6 grunts (two each of three poses). The PA
packs are all the same, a command suit, two standard suits, two suits
with grenade packs and one suit with heavy weapon. All PA figures are
the same pose, the specialist suits have extra weapons / gear added to
the basic casting.
I took some scans of some of the packs whilst writing the review - as a
(very) temporary measure, I've uploaded them to the Brigade site ( I
can't get at my personal site from work) so anyone interested can have a
I havn't had time to knock together an html page and there's no link
from the rest of the site - just a directory with images of the NAC, NSL
and FSE infantry packs plus the NAC and FSE PA packs.
Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer