Re:Me too?! RE: Copy of FMA Skirmish Rules, please?
From: Mike Stanczyk <stanczyk@p...>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 16:55:18 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re:Me too?! RE: Copy of FMA Skirmish Rules, please?
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Can I just point out to everyone who is asking for FMA draft copies,
> while I have no problem with this, the draft that is currently in
> circulation on the list IS now quite out-of-date, a lot of it having
> already been superseded by stuff that's presently undergoing playtest.
> all means play around with the existing draft, but just bear this in
mind -
> a lot will change between now and the eventual publication!!
> Jon (GZG)
/geek mode/ You've shown us the alpha release of the rules. We're
if we can see a beta release of the FMA rules. /geek/
Somehow we confused getting an update to the draft and finding out about
the final print version. (Well at least I got confused! ;-> )