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Re: Brisbane's Auran BIG Weekend

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 06:46:29 -0600
Subject: Re: Brisbane's Auran BIG Weekend

If you live outside of Australia, you might like to ignore this message.
Sorry for wasting your bandwidth.

No, we're sorry, we will NOT ignore this message. We WILL remember, and
expect piccies!!! ;->=

I must say, your descriptions indicate you've a) been thinking long and
hard, and/or b) been checking plenty of other sites. Well done!

>From The Big Weekend Site:
		      The ABW came about through a brief history,
in 1998, when the Queensland
		      government awarded a grant of $6000 for a local
club to seed a new
		      convention that was to represent all genres of
popular table-top gaming.

Did my mouth drop! I can just imagine getting that kind of money out of
State of Nebraska. And, yes, I'm aware those are Aussie dollars. ;->=

Amnesty International

		      Overall, the convention raised approximately $3000
for Amnesty and
		      remains the second largest annual source of funds
from a single event for
		      Amnesty Queensland.

Benefit tournaments and even whole cons (I'm certain there are many
besides Denver's BenCon, the one I know) are not unknown in the US, but
that's obviously an effort worthy of high praise!

Keep the rest of the world informed.


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