GZG East Coast Convention News
From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 06:10:41 -0500
Subject: GZG East Coast Convention News
We're in the process of signing the contracts with the Hotel Brunswick
in Lancaster for the next three ECC conventions. The dates for the
conventions will be:
March 1-3, 2002
February 21-23, 2003
February 27-29, 2004
These dates are two weeks or more away from the Cold Wars convention
Improvements for ECC V (from your feedback)
1. Stuart Murray will run a painting workshop on Saturday afternoon.
Attendance will be limited to seven participants. (Another incentive
for preregistering early.)
2. T shirts and golf shirts. We'll allow you to order a shirt of either
style with your preregistration.
3. A mixture of preregistration prize figures in 15mm, 25mm SG,
and Full Thrust.
4. NSL badge emblems for those who want them. (The vendors had them this
5. "On call" scenarios/gamemasters for pickup games
Jon Davis