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Re: [FT] UNSC (emotional rant)

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <siefertma@w...>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2001 20:04:34 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] UNSC (emotional rant)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nyrath the nearly wise" <>
> In the spring 1980 issue of DESTINIES, Jerry Pournelle
> published an articled called THE PROPER STUDY OF MANKIND.
> It had an appendix that had a facinating classification system
> for political organizations.
>  It had two variables. (Pournelle makes clear that he didn't
> think then nor does he think now that these two are all there
> is to political theory. But they have the property of mapping
> every major political philosophy into one unique place)
> R		 ^	       A: Max Stirner, Ayn Rand
> a +2		 |	       B: Various Libertarians
> t	  A	 |     E       C: Welfare Liberals
> i +1		 |   D	       D: Socialists
> o	       B | C	       E: Communists
> n  0<----------+--------->   F: Classical Anarchists
> a		 | H	       G: American "counter culture"
> l -1	   G	 |   I	       H: Various Conservatives
> i		 |     J       I: Fascists
> s -2	  F	 |	       J: Nazis
> m		 v
>	-2  -1	 0  +1	+2
>	      Statism

    Essentially, it's a varient of the Nolan Diamond.  IMHO its a far
scope of gauging political opinon than the myopic Left-Right policial
spectrum.  But it's still not enough for some.	When I left the GOP and
declared myself to be a libertarian, many of my former colleages in the
College Republicans said: "Liberal. Libertarian.  What's the
On the same tolken, an openly socialist/civil libertarian journalism
professor declared that regardless with my agreeing with him on
gay rights, and censorship, I was still an "right-winger" because I
supported captialism.

    Isn't it nice to be wanted?

Mark A. Siefert

       "OK, so one woman exists; does that mean all women exist?"

     --Crow T. Robot


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