[FT] Needle Beam questions
From: "Morgan Vening" <morgan@o...>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 17:24:59 +1100
Subject: [FT] Needle Beam questions
I'm looking at the concept of Needle Beams, and can't find my FT
rulebook currently. The FAQ and my memory recalls, Needle
Beam damage can't typically be repaired. The problem I see, is
how this affects non-weapon systems. The FAQ uses the example
of blowing the weapons mount to bits. This I have no problem with.
What I see as being the problem is that Fire Controls and Engines
will be the most common target of these systems. Not being
repairable I can see being a big problem, if I make a fleet with NB's
as it's primary weapon system. So, I'll open up the floor.
Do people think FC's and Engines should not be targetable by
NB's? Much like Control Systems for FC's their main
instrumentation would be internal, with multiple redundant external
systems? And Engines being too large/armoured to be affected by
the precision strikes?
Or, do people think that the damage from NB's against these
systems should be repairable? Rerouting of the energy conduits for
an engine, changing to a redundant system for Fire Control?
Or a combination of the two? Engines not being destroyable, FC's
being repairable, or vice versa.
Or, do people think NB's should just not be permitted, full stop?
Which would be a shame as I am working on a house set for an
Islamic fleet, and figured maneuverable and precise would be a
good thematic concept.